January 29, 2015 rockorange

Citizenship Test A Breeze For This RockStar

By RockOrange

This morning, on our way into work, the RockStars heard this interesting piece on WNYC and PRI’s The Takeaway about a new push to require high school grads to also pass a citizenship test before getting their diplomas. In Arizona, the new law makes it mandatory for students to take the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization civics test, and they must correctly answer 60 out of 100 questions, including queries about the order of U.S. presidents in history.

Which got us thinking: Could we pass? After some discussion, we discovered our very own Account Executive extraordinaire, Crista Azqueta, has been hiding a talent from us. Watch:

I guess the rest of us will have to take her word for it.

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